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Sustainable Coastal Development Capacity Building Lab (SCD Lab)
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FISO to Support the Construction of Indonesia’s New Capital
发布日期: 2024-03-12


TEMPO's Coverage on the Visit (Part)

Img. Field Survey in Jakarta Bay



Img. MOA Signing Ceremony


Img. Survey in Mangrove Ecotourism Area

Img. Group Photo with MMAF and PLN Representatives

Img. Group Photo with MMAF and Fishermen Representatives

在实地踏勘的基础上,团队与MMAF、东加里曼丹省政府、巴厘巴板市政府、加里曼丹技术学院代表就MSP项目开展在巴厘巴板市政厅举行了专题座谈。巴厘巴板市空间规划部主任Neni女士称,巴厘巴板湾是通向新首都的海上通道、也是一个缓冲区,新首都的未来与巴厘巴板湾息息相关。MMAF海洋空间与海洋管理规划总局秘书长Kusdiantoro先生表示,12月在厦门的研修班活动让他印象深刻,他迫切希望能够将厦门的海洋综合管理、海洋空间规划经验借鉴运用到巴厘巴板湾的管理中。MMAF部长高级顾问Dyah Erowati女士称,新首都的建设机遇与挑战并存,未来10-20年巴厘巴板湾将更加繁忙,因此亟需合理的MSP以确保海洋健康发展。加里曼丹技术学院校长Agus Rudianto教授说,学校致力于支持新首都智慧城市的建设,希望能与闽海院在此次MSP项目与其他更多领域深入合作。MMAF海洋空间规划执行主任Suharyanto先生介绍了印尼首都雅加达面临的地面下沉、城市污染、交通堵塞等多重压力,表达了将新首都建设成印尼最宜居、最可持续城市的愿景,并期待此次MSP项目合作对新首都建设的积极影响。随后,座谈各方就项目合作展开热烈讨论。座谈会后,各方赴新首都“0 KM”——即国家各政府部门在新首都的办公地点——进行踏勘,了解新首都的建设情况。

Img. Focus Group Discussion in Balikpapan City Hall with Stakeholders

Img. Group Photo in Balikpapan City Hall

图:印尼新首都 IKN“0 KM”踏勘合影 
Img. Field Survey in "0 KM" of Indonesia's New Capital IKN

随后,闽海院团队与MMAF团队赴巴厘岛与MMAF海洋空间规划执行主任Suharyanto先生、印尼茂物农业大学Luky Adrianto教授、阿拉弗拉海和帝汶海生态系统项目(ATSEA)负责人Handoko博士等就印尼海洋空间规划项目、能力建设等进行研讨和学术交流,并对印尼MSP项目的具体工作分工与进程安排进行了深入细致的讨论。此外,为进一步了解印尼这一“万岛之国”的海域使用现状与特点,团队还实地考察了当地渔民社区与海龟保护区,了解当地的海洋经济发展及海洋资源保护现状与挑战,并与相关管理人员进行深入交谈。

Img. Group Photo with Suharyanto, Luky, Handoko et el.

Img. Field Survey to Turtle Conservation Area


From February 26 to March 5, 2024, a team led by Prof. Xue Xiongzhi, Dean of the Fujian Institute for Sustainable Oceans (referred to as FISO) visited Indonesia at the invitation of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), Indonesia. The purpose of the visit was to conduct on-site surveys, discussions, and exchanges related to the Joint Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) project (referred to as “MSP project”) in the Balikpapan Bay area, where the new Indonesian capital Nusantara is located. This collaboration marks a significant step in supporting the holistic design of MSP for the construction of Indonesia's new capital. TEMPO, an Indonesian political magazine, highlighted in its detailed coverage of this visit that MSP is an essential tool in Indonesia's blue economy development plan, and Xiamen's thirty-year integrated coastal management experience is of great reference value for the MSP project in Balikpapan Bay area. It also stressed that the visit further encouraged the collaboration among local stakeholders.

To prepare for and promote the progress of this MSP project, relevant parties had made multiple rounds of exchange and discussions. In December 2023, FISO facilitated the signing of MoA for this MSP project between China Oceanic Development Foundation (CODF) and MMAF, and organized a training workshop on the subject participated by 34 maritime officials and researchers from MMAF and various levels of the Indonesian government. With this visit to Indonesia, the FISO team aimed to gather first-hand information on the sea use status in the Balikpapan Bay area of Indonesia, identify management challenges, sort urgent issues, and address the details of the MSP project.

The team first held discussions with senior officials from MMAF in Jakarta, receiving an overview of the current state of ocean governance in Jakarta Bay and the expectations for the MSP goals in the Balikpapan Bay area. The team then conducted on-site surveys of the newly developed areas in Jakarta Bay, followed by field surveys and discussions in the Balikpapan Bay area, specifically in the mangrove ecotourism zone, industrial zone, and fishing communities. This allowed the team to gain a deeper understanding on the ecological advantages of the local marine environment and the sea use conflicts, while having the chance to comprehend the challenges facing the implementation of MSP in the future, such as balancing industrial development with ecological preservation, and the impact of changes in marine ecology on the livelihoods of local fishermen.

Based on the on-site surveys, the team held a focus group discussion in the Balikpapan City Hall on the MSP project with representatives from MMAF, the East Kalimantan provincial government, the Balikpapan city government, and the Kalimantan Institute of Technology (ITK). Ms. Neny Dwi Winahyu, the Head of Unit of Spatial Planning of Balikpapan City, highlighted that Balikpapan Bay serves as a gateway and buffer zone to the new capital, emphasizing the crucial connection between the future of the new capital and Balikpapan Bay. Mr. Kusdiantoro, the Secretary of the Directorate General of Marine Spatial and Ocean Management, expressed his impression of the training workshop in Xiamen in December 2023 and found it urgent to adapt the integrated coastal management and MSP experiences from Xiamen to the Balikpapan Bay area. Ms. Dyah Erowati, the Senior Advisor for Minister of MMAF, said that the new capital brings both opportunities and challenges. She emphasized that Balikpapan Bay area will become one of the busiest ports in the next 10-20 years and stressed the need for a holistic MSP approach to ensure the healthy development of the ocean. Professor Agus Rudianto, Rector of ITK, stated the institute’s commitment to supporting the design of the new capital as a “smart city” and wishes to form deeper connections with FISO in this MSP project and other fields. Mr. Suharyanto, the Acting Director for Marine Spatial Planning of MMAF, presented the various pressures faced by the current capital, Jakarta, including land subsidence, urban pollution, and traffic congestion, etc. He expressed the vision of building the new capital as Indonesia's most livable and sustainable city, anticipating positive impacts from the joint MSP project on the new capital. Following the discussion, the participants visited the "0 KM" of the new capital - the new location for national government departments - to gain insights into the progress of the new capital.

Following this visit to “0 KM”, the FISO team and the MMAF team traveled to Bali to engage in discussions and academic exchanges with Mr. Suharyanto, Professor Luky Adrianto from IPB University, and Dr. Handoko Adi Susanto, Regional Project Manager of the Arafura and Timor Seas Ecosystem Action Phase II (ATSEA-2) Project. The discussions were focused on the MSP project (specifically on the roles and timelines for the project), capacity building, among other topics.

To further understand the current status and characteristics of marine functions in Indonesia, an island country, the team visited local fishing communities and turtle conservation areas in Bali. Through conversations with local authorities, the team grasped the current status of marine economic development, marine resource conservation, and the challenges faced in these aspects.

The governments of China and Indonesia have reached consensus on building a community with shared future between the two countries, agreeing to strengthen maritime cooperation. The two countries have signed a series of cooperation documents, including the Memorandum of Understanding on Strengthening Maritime Cooperation (June, 2021), and Implementing Arrangement between the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia and the Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China on Marine Cooperation (July, 2022). Under this background, the MSP project serves not only as a key milestone project for the decades-long partnership between FISO team and MMAF, but also a solid step in supporting the construction of Indonesia’s new capital. Through the surveys and discussions, the two parties achieved significant progress in the MSP project, with commitments to jointly counter the challenges in ocean governance and contribute to the sustainable development of the new capital as well as its surrounding sea areas. With this new step forward, both parties hope to joint hands in more mutually beneficial endeavors to contribute to the prosperity and sustainability of our oceans.