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Fujian Institute for Sustainable Oceans (Xiamen University)
Sustainable Coastal Development Capacity-Building Research Lab (SCD Lab)
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发布日期: 2020-10-12





The PEMSEA Network of Local Governments (PNLG)

The application of FISO to join PNLG as an associate member was approved in the 11th PNLG Executive Committee (EC) Meeting held online on July 30, 2020.

Taking advantage of Xiamen’s unique geographical features and natural resources, FISO, as a provincial level science and technology platform, will seek to innovate theories in marine science and technology to support modern ocean governance. Together, FISO and PNLG wishes to promote sustainable coastal and ocean development in the East Asian Seas Region.

PNLG is recognized as one of the major driving forces in realizing the goals of Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia (SDS-SEA). It has been facilitating the sustainable development and environmental conservation of marine and coastal resources of East Asia through advocacy, knowledge sharing, forging multi-stakeholder participation and partnerships among local governments, national agencies, civil society groups including NGOs and peoples’ organizations and the private sector.