2024年11月8日上午,东亚海环境管理伙伴关系计划学习中心网络(PEMSEA Network of Learning Centers, PNLC)全体成员大会在厦门国际会议中心举办。在本次全体成员大会上,闽海院正式签署PNLC章程,成为PNLC的新成员。闽海院副院长张增凯教授出席了本次全体成员大会,代表闽海院出席章程签署仪式,并向全体参会嘉宾做口头报告,介绍闽海院的研究领域和开展的工作,就闽海院加入PNLC之后可开展的合作领域进行了探讨。
Img. Zhang Zengkai Introduces FISO
In the morning of Nov. 8, 2024, the PEMSEA Network of Learning Centers (PNLC) General Assembly was held in Xiamen International Conference Center Hotel. During this general assembly, Fujian Institute for Sustainable Oceans (FISO) of Xiamen University signed the PNLC Chapter, officially becoming a new PNLC member. Prof. ZHANG Zengkai, Vice Dean of FISO, presented the event and the PNLC Chapter signing ceremony on behalf of FISO. He was also invited to make a brief introduction on FISO, including its research fields and progress highlights. In his presentation, Prof. Zhang also explored possible collaborations with PNLC members.
PNLC was established in 2015. As a consortium of higher education and research institutes across East Asian Seas, it provides academic training, extension services, policy advice, and other forms of technical assistance and capacity-building on coastal and marine management. As a provincial level cross-disciplinary S&T platform dedicating in promoting international collaboration and exchange in sustainable ocean and coastal development, FISO, by joining the PNLC, anticipates playing a key role in the continued expansion of the PNLC network. FISO is also eager to engage in more academic exchanges and collaborations, not only with other PNLC members but also with institutions beyond the consortium.
Earlier in 2020, FISO officially joined the PEMSEA Network of Local Governments (PNLG) as an associate member. Joining PNLC therefore marks another firm step of FISO in facilitating regional coastal governance. As a long-term partner of PEMSEA, FISO will continue to promote the exchanges of knowledge and experience on integrated coastal management, engage in the ocean governance in East Asian Seas region, and contributing wisdom and strength from China for global ocean governance.